Friday, May 16, 2014

Come On And Get Happy

There are times I struggle to be TRULY happy.  After researching a lot about happiness (I will share the reason behind that another day) I have come to the conclusion that a good chunk of happiness is rooted in genetics.  But there are most definitely external factors that promote or harm happiness.  One thing I really struggle with is comparison disorder...this is what I dub unhappiness brought on by comparing one's life to the lives of others.  As much as I love (or more accurately: as much as I am addicted to) social media, I feel that Facebook fuels my comparison disorder.  What started as a way to keep in touch with old friends is now a way I measure my self worth.  Seeing that written down makes me a little shouldn't be that way!  So why do I let Facebook dictate how I feel about myself?  Why do the number of "likes" I receive make me feel better about my life?  When did it become the norm to peacock your life for all the world to see in hopes of gaining reassurance or praise?  Why is it that we create an idea of where we are SUPPOSED to be in life based on what we see our "friends" (because let's just admit that about 70-80% of our Facebook friends aren't REALLY our friends) doing?  I kind of wish we could go back to the days where "keeping up with the Joneses" meant keeping up with the freakishly talented women (or man) down the street rather than keeping up with the "perfect" lives people display on social media.  I know behind those Instagram filters they are probably doing just as much comparing as me.  So in hopes of inspiring anyone else who is dealing with comparison disorder today, or any day, I leave you with some of my favorite quotes I have found on the one and only Pinterest.  Enjoy:

Now if only I could practice what I preach!  Here is to day 11 of 21...over half way to forming my blogging habit!  Happy Friday all!

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