Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hi! Nice to meet you!

Hello to all who may stumble upon my little blog.  My name is Jennifer.  I am a twenty something year-old student who loves all things crafting, cooking, and creating.  Coincidentally, that is exactly what my blog is about!  Well, that and a few life encounters thrown in for color.  The truth is, I am about to take a giant leap.  I am diving head first into cohabitating with a boy! *GULP!*  So what better reason to start a blog?  I hope to create a place where I can share, and look back on, all of life's adventures. Now if only I could be more skilled with the computer...I guess that is where the tech savvy boyfriend will come in handy.  So, to all you future readers out there (I can only hope) it's nice to meet you and don't be a stranger, ya' hear?

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