Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The tape thing-a-ma-jig

Ok, so I know how to use a tape dispenser a tad better than this girl BUT the videos do accurately depict my frustration with the darn device!!  I literally have layers upon layers of tape on our boxes because I CANNOT seem to get a hang of the dang tape thing-a-ma-jig (I know, I know, insert the worlds tiniest violin playing the worlds saddest song for poor little me)!!  Today is a new day, I can only hope yesterday was just practice: may the taping force be with me.  Happy Tuesday, all!

Friday, August 26, 2011

A DIY Bridal Shower

This past Saturday marked the official completion and celebration of my bff's bridal shower!  After a couple months of planning, and crafting, and planning some more I was so excited to finally pull it off. 
Here were my initial inspirations:

Cupcake wrapper garland via Bedifferentactnormal
Doily jar candle holder via Tarasloggett
Banners via Bedifferentactnormal
Brown paper tablecloth via Host-itnotes
Table set-up via Meohmymama
Tin can favors via Somethinggreenevents
Paper flower via Meohmymama

Here is the end product:

The paper flowers!
The couple's framed invitation, doily jar candle holders, and dried lavender
made the food table a little more intimate.
Temporary cupcake holder made from a mug, two plates, and some hot glue...
total cost $1.30!
I couldn't get a good picture of the whole room so here are few detailed shots
of the hand made garlands.

Insert punch bowl in empty space and disregard the
pregame wine goblet.
Strawberry champagne cupcakes, fruit skewers, spicy sausage dip, fresh salsa,
and wraps with herbed cheese spread, roasted red peppers, fresh basil,
and turkey.
Succulent favors in peat pots with speech bubbles! Sorry for the bad glare!
They had cute sayings like "Hello," "Pick me," "Thank you," etc...

I was so proud of how everything turned out!  When putting together a DIY production you always worry about things turning out cheesy or sloppy, but I felt these DIY touches made the event more intimate and personal.  Even with staying up until 2 am the night before and waking up at 7 the next morning, seeing the bride smiling and the guests having a lovely time made every moment worth it! 

Now....on to the bachelorette party!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You know you are living with a girl when...

She bundles and tags your excess game consoles:

PS. Note our sweet new duvet I scored at westelm for uber cheap!

Anyhoo, I have been in MAJOR organization mode as we prepare to move to another apartment and I have been itching to get my hands on the 7, yes 7, game consoles that reside in our bedroom.  As much as I fully support my guy's video game obsession, I don't think it's too much to ask that one of our rooms remains video game free.  Especially the bedroom...

On an a final note: The bridal shower this past weekend was a complete success!  Pictures and DIY tutorials to come!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hand[made with love]

This past weekend my darling boyfriend and I celebrated a year of love.  It was the most perfectly romantical weekend I could have ever concocted in my dreams.  We celebrated with a divine dinner at one of the most highly regarded restaurants in the city and nights out on the town with dear friends.  By the time Sunday night fell, I was feeling so loved and blessed.  As we were curled up on the couch, watching something silly on Netflix, I couldn't help but think it was one year ago that I kissed him goodbye in the Dayton, Ohio airport and he told me he loved me.  My, how so many things can change in a year.  In planning our anniversary celebration there was one thing in which I felt very strong: NO GIFTS!  With my birthday coming up, a move, an IKEA trip, and a wedding in Asheville I convinced the beau that a night out would be a gift in itself (especially since I didn't have to cook!!)!  But, if you know me at all, I can't resist a chance to get my craft on.  Let me start by saying, my boyfriend is a nerd.  A very handsome, romantic, sweet nerd.  He loves all things Star Wars, Star Trek, Apple, and video games (and I wouldn't have him any other way).  So when I saw THIS video on Urban Outfitters there was a certain thing that caught my eye and instantly made me think: NICK!! Pause the video at 2:15.

Yes, I decided to recreate the "Cinco de Mayo Stormtrooper helmet."  This is the end result:

After the initial shock of "what on Earth is this?" and my explanation of "but babe, it looks like something you would show me on Reddit!" he really appreciated my handmade token of love.
Side note: Ladies, if your guy has not discovered Reddit consider yourselves lucky.  It will suck any free time out of your significant other! You have been warned.

I have decided if one year is a Cinco de Mayo Stormtrooper, two years can only mean Chinese New Year Chewbacca!

Happy Hump Day!

Friday, August 5, 2011

A bridal shower in the making

One of my absolute best friends is getting married in October!  It was seventh grade when we met.  I was the new girl, and at the end of an exhausting first day I made my way onto the bus.  Since I didn't know anyone I was forced to sit in the front with the sixth graders, and if you know anything about the social order of the middle school bus, sitting in the front is not the coolest of places to be seen.  So, as I was on the bus, trying to magically blend into the green vinyl seats, I heard someone yelling "Jennifer!"  I thought to myself, "they can't possibly be yelling at me, who on earth would know me by the end of the first day??"  I looked around, and there was Jordan, with her beaded flower choker and a short cropped haircut, looking straight at me.  She then said, "you are in my French class, right?"  I acknowledged that I was indeed in her class.  She then signaled me to come sit by her.  I no longer felt alone at a new school.  To my great surprise, she even lived a few houses away!  From that day on, we grew closer and closer to the point of feeling like we were sisters from another mother.  We finish each others' sentences, blurt out the same things in syncronicity, and know almost everything about each other!  So, when she asked me to be one of two maids of honor, I knew I had to make sure everything from the bridal shower, to the bachelorette party, to the wedding day, would be absolutely perfect!  My first MOH venture was making invitations for the bridal shower.  I am the type of person who can't stand buying something that I know I can make, so when I stumbled upon this website offering free invitation downloads, my creative mind started a runnin'.  I found this cute bunting wedding invitation suite and thought I could easily turn it into a shower invitation.

With a little time spent on the computer, some card stock, and my trusty paper slicer (my new favorite toy, and an investment completely worth it for those who scrapbook, or make cards) they turned out great!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Monkey Monkey Underpants

If I'm ever having a bad day I can always count on Gilmore Girls to cheer me up!  There are so many things that I love about GG...from the countless pop culture references, to the high speed tempo of the dialogue, and most importantly the fact that I grew up with Rory.  We were in high school at the same time, we went through many of the same college experiences together, and we dealt with our fair share of boy drama.  On the occasional days in which I am experiencing ennui (GG enthusiasts should know exactly to what I am referring) leave it to a Gilmoreism to perk my spirits!  Today this (one of my absolute favorite scenes) put a smile on my face....enjoy!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks

Every weekend I look forward to spending some quality time with my honey.  As much as I adore our dinner dates and meeting up with friends for drinks, it's always exciting to experience something different.  Last Sunday we had the the pleasure of being invited to a Durham Bulls baseball game, party deck style!  As fond as I am of beer, food, and sporing events, the idea of sitting outside in hundred degree weather didn't exactly thrill me (I don't have my southern skin yet).  In the end, I was SO glad I went.  The atmosphere was entertaining, the beer cold, the sunset beautiful, but my favorite part by FAR was the area surrounding the stadium:

Detailed brickwork and the Durham skyline
Beautiful landscaping and the great water feature that runs through the area around the stadium
One of the neat sculptures
I love how they kept so many of the industrial elements.
I couldn't get enough of the water element.  The combination of natural and industrial was amazing!
A train car. Why not?
I love the indoor/outdoor feel
And of course the ballpark!

If you haven't been to a Durham Bulls game, GO!  And definitely leave some time to explore!